Monday 16 June 2014

Those of you who have been following Fairway blogs from the launch will know that for me fulfilment and productivity go hand in hand. A fulfilled engaged workforce will be the driving force towards the success of any organisation.
So it is with interest I read the latest predictions from Deloitte Consulting of 2014 being the year of the employee. The report highlights that attraction, retention and engagement of Talent will really matter with the top two people issues facing organisations being leadership and retention. Employees have changed their perspective as we climb out of the recession, people are now seeking work which is meaningful, rewarding and enjoyable.

Click here for the full Deloitte report - 
Building a Strong Talent Pipeline for the Global Economic Recovery

So how can Fairway Learning help? I specialise in supporting organisations in defining what Talent means to them, I then enable the identification and assessment of Talent to attract the widest spectrum of skills and preferences before designing meaningful and engaging Talent programmes. 

For an high level appreciation of the type of work I do in this arena using Insights Discovery click here -
Identifying, Attracting and Retaining Talent - a discussion with RJP 
*This discussion is an hour long, however there is a fast forward option to review the areas key for you and your organisation

So to discuss the needs of your organisation in this area connect with me on 07983665685, I look forward to hearing from you